Forty principles of the Prophet ﷺ

Studying the miracles of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is a time-honored means for those who have responded to his call and believed in his Prophethood to reinforce their love for him, to renew their efforts to perform righteous actions, and to increase in faith (īmān).

Actions performed by the Prophets described as miracles are termed as such because humans are otherwise incapable of doing them. There are two types of miracles: the first type is an action that humans are theoretically able to do, but Allah has made impossible for them as a means of confirming the truthfulness of His Prophet ﷺ. The second type of miracle are those actions outside of a human’s ability. These are miracles that no-one would be able to perform except for Allah.

Out of all the Prophets, the final Messenger ﷺ was sent with the greatest number of miracles, the most magnificent signs, and the clearest proofs. The miracles of the Prophet ﷺ were innumerable. In fact, if one chose just one of those miracles, namely the Qur’an, they would never be able to count the thousands of extraordinary signs contained within it

Forty principles of the Prophet

In this collection – one of many collections of 40 hadith which he compiled – the great Palestinian scholar Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani strings together a majestic and awe-inspiring collection of hadith that leave the reader astonished by the miraculous nature and life of the Beloved of Allah ﷺ. Among their many benefits, these miracles both confirmed his Prophethood and also proved his honesty.

This edition includes Arabic text with full vowels and the English translation