Pregnancy Labor and Delivery: Risk Factors Associated With C Section Delivery

A C-section or Cesarean section is referred to as the surgical delivery of a baby. It involves one incision in the mother’s abdomen and another one in the uterus. The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology conducted a study that suggests that having an early cesarean segment or C-segment, illegal intake of medicines, smoking, and weight can increase the probability of a disease during a C-segment delivery.

The researchers took into consideration 90 C-section deliveries. Among the women who developed C-section infections, the ones who have had a previous C-section were 8.4 times more likely to have a previous C-section; 3.8 times more likely to have smoked, and 25.3 times more likely to have a history of drug use. These women were also more likely to have a higher body mass index (BMI) of 42.4.
Risk Factors Associated With Cesarean Section Deliveries (Urdu)






Most of these contaminations were recognized by positive wound cultures which included regular commensal and enteric organisms. These organisms are commonly found in the body and don’t necessarily cause any harm. However, they can cause infection when they attack an open injury.

After this study, hospitals have begun to work towards increasing patient education pre and post-C-section. After delivering the baby, the nurses are more likely to provide additional resources on wound care and perform assisted showers to demonstrate the dos and don’ts of proper cleaning.

In the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that C-sections are used to deliver 1 in 5 babies. Usually, C-sections are avoided before 39 weeks of pregnancy so that the child gets proper time to develop in the womb. It is only in case of complications that the surgery is conducted before 39 weeks.
Why is a C-section done?

C-sections is done in cases when complications because of pregnancy make the traditional vaginal birth difficult, or the mother or the child is at some kind of risk. C-sections might sometimes be planned early in pregnancy because of complications during labor.

Other reasons for a C-section delivery include the baby having any developmental conditions; the baby has a head that is too big for the birth canal; the baby coming out feet first; early complications of pregnancy; any health problems with the mother such as high blood pressure or unstable heart diseases; mother having genital herpes which could be transferred to the baby; a previous C-section delivery, reduced oxygen supply to the baby; the problem with the umbilical cord; stalled labor; transverse labor or baby coming out shoulder first.
Risk factors of C-section deliveries:

There are certain risk factors associated with C-sections. These include blood clots, bleeding, infections, breathing problems for the child, increased risk for future pregnancies, infections, injury to the child during surgery, longer recovery, and surgical recovery in other organs.

Before the due date of delivery, the doctor usually discusses birthing options with the would-be mother and the family. The doctor also informs in case there are any signs of complications that could raise the chances for a C-section delivery.
How to prepare for C-section delivery?

A C-section delivery includes a lot of check-ups and blood tests to test for its possibility. Your blood type is taken into the record in case you need a blood transfusion during surgery. All the risk factors for C-section deliveries are discussed in advance in case you are going ahead with a C-section delivery.
Things to keep in mind after a C-section delivery:

After a C-section delivery, the mother and the newborn are asked to spend at least 3 days in the hospital. The doctor encourages the mother to get up and walk around a bit in order to prevent any blood clots and constipation.

It is important for the mother to take it easy and rest for the first few weeks after a C-section. In order to support the abdomen, you must be in the correct posture. Drink a lot of fluids in order to recover properly from the surgery. Ham bistary must be avoided for around 4 to 6 weeks after a C-section. In case you experience postpartum depression, you can seek professional help.

There are a few symptoms for which you must seek medical help. These include experiencing breast pain with fever, pain while urinating, bleeding with large clots or foul-smelling vaginal discharge, fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, swelling, redness, or discharge from the incision