During the reign of Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him), a man bought a beautiful bird

The Prophet Dawud had 19 sons. Sulayman was one of them.1

Allah Almighty made him the successor of Hz. Davud as a ruler and prophet among these 19 brothers.2

Therefore, the Prophet Dawud loved his son, Sulayman a lot and gave great importance to his education and upbringing. Hz. Davud made his son sit on the right of him beginning from his early ages to enable him to see the cases and to learn how to decide justly between people.

Once, two men came into the presence of Hz. Dawud and asked him to settle their disagreement. Hz. Sulayman was next to his father as usual.

One of the men said,

“This man’s sheep entered my field and destroyed my crops. I want my right from him.” The Prophet Dawud asked the owner of the sheep,

“Is he telling the truth?” He said,

“Yes, O Dawud! He is right. I will accept your decree.”

Hz Dawud asked how much damage the sheep caused in the field. The total damage was equal to the value of the sheep. Thereupon, Hz. Davud decreed as follows:

“The owner of the field will get your sheep. Thus, you will be even.

During the reign of Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him), a man bought a beautiful bird