What Can I Use Instead Of Wax For Waxing

Did you know that the average human body has around 5 million hair follicles on it? While all are natural occurrences, some are undesirable for looks and hygiene reasons. But do you know how to remove them?

Waxing is one of the most effective methods, though due to the pain caused it can be unpopular. Below, we give you our alternatives to waxing.
1. Sugaring

Sugaring is one of the newest alternatives to Brazilian waxing. It is very similar but uses a natural paste of sugar and other ingredients instead of wax. This chemical-free process is much better for those with sensitive skin.

When removed, the hair also comes out from the root. As the paste only attaches to the hair and not the skin, there is much less pain than you would get with waxing.

You will also find that it removes hair in the direction of growth, not the opposite direction which is the norm. This reduces irritation significantly.

The process has been in use for thousands of years, even allegedly going as far back as Cleopatra. You should get the process performed by a trained beautician, and make sure you exfoliate before the process begins.
2. Epilator

Remove hair with this product instead of wax


Epilators induce a love or hate response in those who have used them. They are a painful method of hair removal, which puts most people off. However, as hair gets taken from the root it takes a long time to grow back and is extremely effective.
Remove hair with this product instead of wax

They work by using an electronic device. The most common one is a spring type, which involves the use of a rotating spring that catches the hairs and tears them out. Other types use plates or discs to perform a similar process.

Your only initial outlay is to buy the electronic device that does the epilating. This means costs are extremely low, as you don’t have to keep paying for beauty therapy or more creams