6 Secrets to Win Every Battle in Life

Anyone who knows me knows that I am an eternal optimist and I never ever quit but the few weeks has been very traumatic and draining. To top it all up I have just recovered from an illness. These all seems like a bad combination but then wait a minute what do you do when you have done all that you know to do and you still do not know just what to do?

From my little understanding of life:

1. This is not the time to quit, surrender or throw in the towel.

2. This is the time to press into God the more through Prayers, Praise, and radical giving.

3. Change your narrative about your life’s situations and conditions. Change the pictures of failure, and impossibilities in your mind. Change your perspectives and change your focus.

4. Refuse to accept the present situation as the only reality. There is another reality that is begging to manifest in the realm of the physical because no matter how difficult things might seem God Almighty is still the only present help in the time of trouble and difficulty. He does not sleep nor does He slumber. He never ever goes on holidays and He can be trusted to come through for us even though He chooses how and when everytime because He is the ever living God!

5. Remember all your past Victories and battles. Play them in your mind especially the great battles that you fought in and won in by the special grace of God Almighty. Cast your mind back on past troubles and see how Almighty God saw you through them all and realize that God who did it then will do it AGAIN in your life if you do not quit on God and on yourself.

6. Decide that whatever happens you will fight till the very end until you WIN because you were born a winner and a champion in life. The truth is that the fight will not take forever and you are closer to your win than when you first began.

6 Secrets to Win Every Battle in Life


7. Stand your ground! Do not shake or shiver. Do not lose steam or lose focus. You are with God Almighty and that portends the majority. You are fighting to win and winners never quit and quitters never win so stand firm and stand tall throughout the fight

8. Your opponent is a loser. He lost at the beginning and will lose again and will forever lose the battle against your soul. Realize that the devil is waging a losing battle but it is a battle of wits and stamina so you must be ready to outwit the devil and put him forever in his place under your feet!

9. Finally stay positive, powerful and promising because this too will pass and a brand new day will dawn birthing greater promises, greater vision, and a greater and brighter tomorrow.