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What Is It Like To Drink Hot Water On An Empty Stomach?

Islamabad: When bloating, cramping, and heartburn strike, it’s difficult to not feel guilty for indulging in that one last piece of chicken tikka on the table. We’ve all been there so don’t even try to deny it. The foodie within us just refuses to sit out on a meal and …

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Leveraging Today’s Business Loan For Tomorrows Business Growth

A business loan is an effective financing tool that allows most entrepreneurs to leverage their resources to help start a business. However, after a company is already established a business might need to consider additional outside funding. Businesses often require extra capital when it becomes necessary to expand to larger …

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Summer and Health: Staying Hydrated in the Heat

Summer is a season for vacations, activities, long days and a wedding or two may creep up. This is the time when you have to take extra care to keep yourself hydrated as perspiration causes us to lose more body water. Exposure to sun and heat not only cause dehydration …

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Setting Up a Business in Catering

As with any small business, setting up a business in catering will require a financial investment. Some individuals are fortunate and have start-up funds available, which others must use their home to secure financing. It is often said “with great risk comes great reward,” and using one’s home as collateral …

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How to Avail the Best Motor Cycle Insurance Quote

How to Avail the Best Motor Cycle Insurance Quote motorcycle insurance quote comparison how to get the best cycle insurance what to consider when getting cycle insurance cycle insurance for young drivers cycle insurance for women When looking for motorcycle insurance, it is important to compare different quotes in order …

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The Essence Of My 16 Years Of Business Life

I first entered the world of entrepreneurship as a 16-year-old website developer. Since then, I’ve moved onto bigger enterprises, like founding Adventure Capital, a venture fund and incubator that starts businesses in developing countries. And while I’ve gained a world of insight along the way, those strategic foundations I developed …

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There was a time when dacoits were also high-minded

Once upon a time, armed dacoits – or baghis as they are known locally – spelt terror in Chambal. After serving jail terms, they now lead quiet lives as farmers and respected village elders, dispelling myths about their violent past. Driving from Agra to Gwalior, the beehad or ravines of …

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Loan Modification Vs FHA – Hope For Homeowners Program

In the last 3 or 4 years, a large number of homeowners have been trying to complete a “loan workout” with their current mortgage lender to lower the interest rate and improve the terms of their loan. Many lenders have chosen not to accept any new terms, rather, let the …

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