TimeLine Layout

May, 2023

  • 27 May

    Be Our Guest: A New Era For Pakistan’s Hospitality Industry

    No one can deny the regrettable fact that technology adoption is still at a nascent stage in Pakistan but thanks to the pandemic, the process of digitalization have accelerated in the country. A lesser known fact is that now, technology has begun disrupting the traditional hospitality industry of Pakistan. Lately, …

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  • 27 May

    What Your Winter Cough Could be Trying to Tell You

    It’s the time of year we all start getting coughs. Most clear up within a few days, around 20 percent become chronic and some can persist for years. It’s important that any cough that has lasted for more than eight weeks is checked out by your GP. Here, with the …

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  • 27 May

    Beat Arthritis: Simple Diet Scientifically Proven to Reduce Joint Pain

    London: The idea that you can combat some of the worst symptoms of arthritis joint pain with simple dietary tweaks is great, but there has been little or no evidence to back it up. Going online for information is confusing, with hundreds of websites promising to help us ‘eat to …

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  • 27 May

    The Man Who Tried to Weigh the Soul

    In 1907, a Massachusetts doctor named Duncan MacDougall performed an unusual series of experiments. Intrigued by the idea that the human soul had mass, and could therefore be weighed, Dr. MacDougall put together a bed fitted with a sensitive set of beam scales and convinced a series of terminally ill …

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  • 27 May

    When you ask people living abroad, they answer

    Friends who have already studied abroad can be some of your best resources when preparing to study abroad. They will have months of memories and stories worth sharing, and advice on how to get from choosing a program to making the most of your experience of a lifetime. However, it’s …

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  • 27 May

    The number of miracles in Surah Al-Kawthar has amazed me

    The miracle numerical of surah al kawtharassalam alakum, please leave your thoughts, ideas & research on how we can better raise our kids. lets make each ot. Indeed, we have granted you, [o muhammad], al kawthar. indeed, your enemy is the one cut off. surah kawthar 108:1, 3. like surah …

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  • 27 May

    I have often heard that such and such a heart is very good

    Your heart is a strong muscle that pumps blood to your body. A normal, healthy adult heart is about the size of your clenched fist. Just like an engine makes a car go, the heart keeps your body running. The heart has two sides, each with a top chamber (atrium) …

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  • 27 May

    Immortality, Fantasy and Reality

    Do you know that human beings are delusive thinkers? We do not realise that we live in a hypnotic world. Our thinking process is hypnotic. The words we use in our minds have a conditioned response in the subconscious mind. The meaning of the words does not matter, but they …

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April, 2023

  • 22 April

    A Complete Guide on Getting Drone Liability Coverage

    Unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs, more commonly known as drones, are high technology devices used for various purposes. The increasing popularity of drones has enabled many entrepreneurs to use them to their advantage. This is a relatively new business in the whole world as many people are still not very …

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  • 22 April

    I always find great comfort in reading the story of Hazrat Ayub

    Every person is faced with trials and tribulations at one point or another in their lives. It is patience that helps the believer cope. When calamity befalls a patient believer, it does not crush him. Instead, the believer endures, persists, and has hope in the mercy of Allah and the …

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