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Magnesium Hold the Key to Better Sleep and More Energy

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a key role in many bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and the production of energy. Adequate levels of magnesium can help promote better sleep and increase energy levels. Magnesium deficiency can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, and difficulty sleeping. …

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Normal and Abnormal Sleep in the Elderly

Our knowledge about how sleep changes with age has grown significantly over the past few decades. Researchers have shown that there are typical age-related, normal changes that occur in sleep architecture and sleep patterns. However, aging is also accompanied by a variety of sleep complaints and sleep disorders. This chapter …

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The IRS Takes A Position On

Bitcoin used to be something like Schrodinger’s currency. Without regulatory observers, it could claim to be money and property at the same time. Now the Internal Revenue Service has opened the box, and the virtual currency’s condition is established – at least for federal tax purposes. The IRS recently issued …

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