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Weight Loss: 5 Fruits and Vegetables That May Make You Fat

London: Those who are conscious about eating healthy know that eating more fresh fruits and vegetables helps you lose weight, but mindlessly munching on every fruit or vegetable could have adverse effects and make you gain weight instead.   Using vegetables to help lose weight is a smart idea they …

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Painful Gums, Tooth Loss: Menopause Make Your Teeth Fall Out

Painful Gums: Eileen Adamson took pride in reaching 50 without suffering a single tooth cavity. She put it down to her strict oral health regime, including twice-weekly flossing and dental check-ups at least every three months. Then, two months ago, her dentist spotted signs of gum disease – for the …

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Depression is Linked to Inflammation in the Body, Study Reveals

Lahore: Inflammation which is the body’s natural process of fighting infection – may also be a key feature of depression, according to scientists. UK researchers have found those with depression have higher levels of a protein in their bodies associated with inflammation, compared to those without. This was even when …

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