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The Incident of Robbery at the House of the 83-Year-Old Elder Brother

The safety and well-being of our elderly citizens are paramount in any society. However, recent events have brought to light the vulnerability of our seniors, as evidenced by the alarming incident of robbery at the house of an 83-year-old elder brother. In this article, we will delve into the background …

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We Tested It: Ways to Cut Bathroom Smells

Without going into the biological details, a quick analysis reveals that there are two levels of bathroom de-smelling: Level 1: instant (or if you prefer, emergency) and Level 2: atmospheric. The former needs no explanation. Level 2 deodorizing is an ongoing, often subtle war with common bathroom scents like mustiness, …

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Maryam Booti Benefits: How to Use Maryam Booti for Delivery

Maryam panja benefits: Last month, returning from the Prophet’s Mosque at Madina after the morning prayer, I found this flower in the streetside shops. Instantly I went down memory lane when sometime in the late 50s or early 60s someone was in labor pain and women around were looking for …

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