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The more you eat in winter, the faster you will lose weight

Weight loss tips: Many believe that shedding kilos in winter is quite a task.Recently, nutritionist busted this popular myth and explained why winter is the best time to lose weight. In winters, laziness and constant hunger are common issues faced by many. As soon as the temperatures drop, stepping outside …

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Out of Breath Walking Up Stairs

A sudden change in breathing—like dyspnea, or shortness of breath, for no apparent reason—can cause concern. While being out of breath when walking up stairs may catch you off guard too, it’s normal to feel breathless after exerting yourself.1 However, other factors, like various medical conditions and the environment, may …

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5 Common Lifestyle Mistakes to Steer Clear Of

Today, let’s take a look at five significant lifestyle mistakes that you should avoid if not wanting obesity to rule you. But before we dive into it, remember, everyone’s journey is different, and change takes time. The path on “how to avoid obesity” varies for us all based on our …

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