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Ramadan Fasting: What to Eat During Sahur

Easy ways to make Ramadan meals healthier and last longer! ​During meal times in Ramadan, Muslim families will typically gather round to enjoy a rich spread. After all, there is no better way to mark the start or end of fasting than with your favourite savoury foods. Or is there?​ …

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Summer Skincare Secrets: Natural Tips for Clear and Radiant Skin

As the temperature rises and the sun shines brighter, our skincare routines require some adjustments to combat the challenges of the summer season. Achieving clear, glowing skin amidst the heat and humidity doesn’t have to involve expensive products or complicated routines. With a few simple tweaks to your skincare regimen …

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Phlegm and Mucus in Lungs Causes and Home Remedies

Phlegm and mucus are terms often used interchangeably, but they refer to different substances produced by the body. When it comes to respiratory health, excessive phlegm or mucus in the lungs can be uncomfortable and concerning. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and management of this condition is crucial for maintaining respiratory …

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