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Interesting information on the navel: Share it as an ongoing charity

Islam came as a guideline to us Muslims to know how to lead a life in which Allah Almighty will be pleased with us. To plant the seeps of good deeds everywhere we go and to help one another through our good days and hard days. Charity is one of …

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Wait, It’s A Very Deep Thing, Read It

Deep reading helped me level up my reading practice in every possible way: I become totally absorbed in books. Everything I read is more memorable. Books are more attractive to me than social media. Ironically, I discovered it after a long and painful reading drought that was caused by… reading …

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Divulging the Mystery of the Cobweb’s

Presentation Set out on an enamoring venture into the universe of insects as we reveal the puzzler of the cobweb’s. This article dives into the complexities of arachnid silk, the imaginativeness of web development, and the surprising variations that make these 8-legged creature ace modelers of the regular world. The …

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