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Be Our Guest: A New Era For Pakistan’s Hospitality Industry

No one can deny the regrettable fact that technology adoption is still at a nascent stage in Pakistan but thanks to the pandemic, the process of digitalization have accelerated in the country. A lesser known fact is that now, technology has begun disrupting the traditional hospitality industry of Pakistan. Lately, …

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What Your Winter Cough Could be Trying to Tell You

It’s the time of year we all start getting coughs. Most clear up within a few days, around 20 percent become chronic and some can persist for years. It’s important that any cough that has lasted for more than eight weeks is checked out by your GP. Here, with the …

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Beat Arthritis: Simple Diet Scientifically Proven to Reduce Joint Pain

London: The idea that you can combat some of the worst symptoms of arthritis joint pain with simple dietary tweaks is great, but there has been little or no evidence to back it up. Going online for information is confusing, with hundreds of websites promising to help us ‘eat to …

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