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Incredible Benefits of Ginger (Adrak)

Incredible Benefits of Ginger (Adrak) Ginger, a traditional remedy and a delicious addition to your meals, has been used for centuries for its healing properties. Ginger creates warmth in the body, helping with digestion and offering various advantages: Helps Digestion: Ginger makes your stomach feel better and relieves constipation. It clears …

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Discovering Amaltas: A Gift for Health

Amaltas, also known as the Golden Rain Tree for its beautiful yellow flowers, is a magical plant with numerous health benefits. Every part of this plant – the fruit, leaves, flowers, and seeds – is used in herbal medicine, making Amaltas a remedy for various health issues. Benefit One Relief …

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lParacetamol Increased Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack, New Study

Paracetamol, a commonly used pain reliever, has long been regarded as a safe option for managing various ailments. However, a groundbreaking new study has surfaced, suggesting a potential link between Paracetamol use and an increased risk of stroke and heart attack. In this article, we delve into the study’s findings, …

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